The Shirt of a Happy Soul

Estonian Folk Tales

Piret Päär


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In these pages, you will find a little bundle of Estonian folk tales. Some are certainly familiar, others you haven’t yet read or heard.

This is a book for all ages. You will find stories for people big and small, moms and dads, grandparents, teachers, and even… Or rather, each story has something for kids and grown-ups, wives and husbands, beggars and kings, and even…

Piret Päär is a professional storyteller and actress. “Every story that speaks to you is a path to yourself. Without fairy tales, I would’ve been lost in life.”

Katrin Erlich is an illustrator and graphic artist. “I almost never retell the text in my illustrations. Rather, I depict what the characters are thinking and feeling.”

Adam Cullen is a poet and translator of Estonian literature into English. To date, he has translated over a dozen novels, countless poetry, children’s books, and twenty plays. “To me, translation is music and balance—following rhythms and staying faithful to the author and the reader simultaneously.”

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